Monday, October 03, 2005

ok...I'm here...

Now that I am in the land of McVities, I don't know what to do. I already bought some McVities, of course, so I can't do that again.

There are a bunch of fun shops in the vicinity of my flat. Well "fun-looking" I should say since I've only visited about three since I arrived this morning. I went to Safeway to do some grocery shopping for the primary goods and of course to just wander around in a jet-lagged haze. There are so many things to LOOK at! Oooh! Ahhh! Yogurt! Biscuits! Tinned things! Huzzah! But there was only so much I felt like carrying so I didn't buy all those things. I also went to some sort of ethnic market and got some really cheap honey. Hell yes.

Now I just want to sleep but I really can't let myself. I MUST last into the evening hours so I will not be jet-lagged tomorrow. No sir. Because tomorrow I will LEARN things. And of course be in search of more sugar-laden items. Hopefully other than McVities because I really must expand my biscuit repertoire.

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