Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don't roll your eyes at me, missy!

I'm still being a Daria-worthy sass today.  I'm working on an Excel spreadsheet for the weekly payroll and it is the most mind-numbing, anger-inducing part of my job.  I spend half the day color coding and copying and pasting formulas from worksheet to worksheet and then double checking it all.  As Drea would say, I went to COLLEGE, people!  And guess what?  My degree was not a major in Excel Coding with a concentration in Paper Shuffling!  Lame.  I'm even listening to Smashing Pumpkins right now, folks - that's how junior high my mood has become.

Let's take a step back.  Today is my third "I'm Alive Day" - meaning it's been three years since my near-death-by-moving-vehicles - and here I am complaining about the fact that I have to work a job to make money.  And sure, this isn't what I pictured I'd be doing after re-embracing life... but still.  At least these fingers can type again.  At least I sit upright in this plush swivel chair.  And at least I'm here.

I don't want to get into details again, but for serious - I am thankful today.  All of my limbs are working and I'm not living in a hospital bed and hey - I don't even have braces anymore!

I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the codeine and "That 70's Show " marathons, but it's worth the trade off to be able to run the crap out of a treadmill after a day like this.

Everyone: go be alive.


andrea said...

Happy titanium day! Also, nice new profile pic.,.

Writing on Board said...
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Writing on Board said...

I was reading you. Then you demanded that I "go be alive" so I'm going. But I enjoyed reading and I'll be back, cukr. Okay, it sounds wrong to end on cukr. Read you soon, kazdy....

RavenMcCoy said...

yay, a new reader and fellow wanderer! i hope you're having a fun time being alive but YEAH, come back soon.