Thursday, July 30, 2009

I smell pancakes and gin

Oh good god holy shit. Someone has taken my dreams and packaged them into a restaurant: PERMANENT BRUNCH! You guys, it serves all brunch all the time!! You can get fancy caramelized plum pancakes and mushroom-ricotta eggs at 1:00 in the AM if you want! Genius.

Oh and it gets better: it is a block away from my favoritest bar. Anyone want get waffles and then gin and then dance to Al Green on the jukebox all night?


andrea said...

WHAAAAAAAT?! I'm getting on a bus rightnowrightnow!

put the pancakes in me!

Unknown said...

I JUST read about that place in Time Out! Let's go now. I'm running out of stuff to do to make me look busy at work.